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  MISSION    /    PROJECT AREAS    /      BOARD    /     FINANCIALS    
  MISSION     /      BOARD    /     FINANCIALS

The mission of Faith Alive USA is to help transform the lives of the poor, vulnerable, and sick in Nigeria by

  • Providing monetary and in-kind support for programs that provide free health care and compassionate social services to the people of Nigeria.

  • Working closely with Faith Alive Foundation, a non-governmental non-profit organization in Jos, Nigeria. 

  • Reaching out here in the United States to bring awareness to the current health conditions in Nigeria, and providing an opportunity for people to make a significant difference in the lives of the poor.

  • Conducting our work in a Godly way that glorifies Jesus Christ.  "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify you Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

Changing Lives

Faith Alive Foundation in Jos, Nigeria (FAF-N) operates a hospital which offers free health care to about 36,000 patients a year –many of whom have no other access to care. The story of FAF-N's transformation since its inception is truly incredible. Armed with only $333 in 1996 and a vision to build "an African Mayo Clinic," Dr. Chris Isichei started Faith Alive Foundation as a counseling center in a four-room donated apartment. Today Faith Alive Foundation in Nigeria runs its own three-story hospital with plans for expansion and satellite clinics is rural areas. 150 Nigerian staff and volunteers provide care at no cost to the poorest of the poor in a region hard-hit by poverty and HIV/AIDS.

The Faith Alive Foundation’s hospital and Foundation plays a key role in the front line battle against HIV/AIDS via an integrated program of education, diagnosis, and treatment. At the same time, Faith Alive also offers services that address a variety of other issues – ranging from basic nutritional needs to emotional, economic, educational and spiritual needs. This holistic approach to health care is designed to treat the whole person. These services include:

  • Home-based medical care for those who are unable to come to the clinic

  • Awareness counseling regarding HIV prevention and care - designed to reduce the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and provide hope for "living positively"

  • Support groups for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS

  • Counseling and prayer for patients before and after HIV tests and throughout their treatment

  • A clothing and food bank for patients

  • Skills-acquisition training designed to assist patients in being self-sufficient and providing for their families

  • Small loans offered to patients who present a sustainable, small-business plan

  • Transitional housing for patients who have no place to live and are disconnected from their families
    and communities

  • Educational scholarships for patients and their children

  • A children’s club

  • A soccer program for youth that includes training in HIV prevention


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