The mission of Faith Alive USA, Inc. is to help transform the lives of the poor, vulnerable and sick in Nigeria, primarily by:
• Conducting educational outreach in the United States on the current health conditions in Nigeria and how support and action from people in the United States can make a difference.
• Providing monetary and in-kind support for programs that provide free, holistic health care and compassionate social services to the people of Nigeria.
• Working closely with Faith Alive Foundation, a non-governmental non-profit organization in Jos, Nigeria.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Faith Alive Pediatrics Hospital
A multi specialty hospital at the Faith live Campus in Jos, Nigeria, dedicated to providing free healthcare to children and their families.
Despite its comparative wealth to other African countries, Nigeria's mortality rate for children under five is 107 per 1000 live births, ranking 192 out of 193 countries (per World Bank). Adding to this, economic instability and violence displaces families, many moving from North to South through Plateau State and Jos. Because about 43% of Nigeria's population is under 14, there is a great need for children's healthcare. To help these children and their families, Faith Alive Foundation in Jos has already begun construction of this new hospital and hopes to open the new hospital by mid 2025.Help us support the initiative by contributing to our campaign to equip the new hospital. We are looking to raise $500,000 to buy medical equipment and furnishings for the new hospital.
Please join the fight!
The Story of Faith Alive
Investing in Lives in Jos, Nigeria
Faith Alive USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to transform the lives of the poor, vulnerable, and sick in Jos, Nigeria. Faith Alive Nigeria operates a hospital, a counseling center, a skills acquisition programs, a school, and provides many other services to needy individuals. The name "Faith Alive" is inspired by the experience of Dr Chris Isichei, who stepped out in faith with $333 to start a hospital in 1996.
Our motivation is to follow the commands of Jesus Christ, who instructs us to care for the poor:
"'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me'"
MATTHEW 25: 39-40